Are there consequences to my sins if I am saved? (Part 2)

Are there consequences to my sins if I am saved? (Part 2)

As believers, the consequences of our sins are the results of our actions on earth, such as imprisonment for breaking the law or suffering physically if we abuse substances. These consequences are a result of our own actions and not God judging us for disobedience. God is not counting sins against us today, 2Cor.5:19. He has already freed us from sin's eternal penalty, but the temporary consequences of our fleshly behaviours are of our own doing and part of the law of reaping what we sow.

Rom 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? 

Though we have God's grace, our connection to God and our spiritual well-being is harmed each time we obey sin. God would prefer that we obey righteousness and grow spiritually. To overcome sin, we should renew our minds with the Word and obey its internal influence within us, Rom 8:10-11.
