His cross marks the start of your salvation, His resurrection is God's power to run the race and win the prize of the high calling of God

The blood shed by Jesus Christ on the cross was the pinnacle of sacrifice and love and accomplished our redemption through the forgiveness of sins. Romans 4:25 confirms this absolute fact,

Rom 4:25  Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. 

But there is more to that verse than being delivered from our offenses by the propitiation (appeasement, satisfaction) of His blood. There is also the power of God which raised up Christ from the dead for our justification. Not only did His resurrection justify us, declaring or making us righteous in the sight of God, but that same power also became the source for our ability to walk in newness of life,

Rom 6:4  Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.  

Many believers think of the death and resurrection of Christ as the work done by God's grace to save us from hell, but this only part of the work that Jesus did. There’s more to the gospel than just His death. He died for our sins and was buried, BUT his resurrection on the third day is the basis of the other part of our salvation that many overlook or misunderstand.

From Romans 5 onward, Paul is no longer speaking to an unredeemed soul. From Romans 5 onward, the Word of God shifts to speaking to a soul that has been redeemed from death and condemnation but is still living in a body of sin and death. From Romans 5 onwards a believer's education in sanctification starts: to die to the flesh and walk in newness of life, to grow up in our doctrine unto mature sons of God. Being saved from our sins through the blood of Christ made us a child of God. Now, the resurrection power of God through His Spirit in His Word is to transform us into sons who walk in the Spirit of obedience and ready themselves for our eternal hope.

The keys to this process of growth and maturing are revealed to us in Romans chapters 6 to 8. It concerns the absolute importance of knowing some things: becoming renewed in our understanding regarding our severed relationship to sin and death and our new relationship to life through our obedience to righteousness, Rom 6:16, which is the Spirit of God's Words, working effectually within us through the work of faith, producing out of us a labour of love, Gal.5:22-23, conforming us to godliness in maturity in Christ.

Don't be blinded in your mind by the enemy. Don't remain ignorant and childlike in the faith. Get into the Word of God and let it educate and sharpen you unto the full redemption plan of God and His purpose for your future and vocation in the ages to come. Our Lord's cross marks the start of your salvation; His resurrection is God's power to run the race and win the prize of the high calling of God, 

Php.3:14  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.


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