
Seven Basic Bible Facts Every Person Should Know and Believe (Fact #5)

Learn the distinct differences between THEREFORE and WHEREFORE in the KJV

Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles

His cross marks the start of your salvation, His resurrection is God's power to run the race and win the prize of the high calling of God

The power of the Roman pillars

The Bible as a Source of Wisdom and Learning, Not Doctrinal Support

We are part of the inheritance of Christ

The Christian journey should be one of continual growth

What does it really mean to 'Look to Jesus'?

Grace is not license

Wholesome words and sound doctrine

Is the Christian church keeping new wine in new wineskins, not mixing Old and New Covenants, today?

Our issues stem from deviating from the truths taught by Paul

If I rightly divide, how do I know what applies to me and what does not?

The things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord

The mystery doctrine revealed to Paul completed the Word of God.

Where does the Bible say we can ignore Act.2:38 and Act.10:48?

But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine

Prophecy vs. Mystery

Walking in the Spirit equates to walking in obedience to the written Word