Many Christians believe that when Christ ascended to heaven, He stopped speaking. However, Paul reveals that the things he wrote were the "commandments of the Lord", 1Cor.14:37. After Israel's rebellion, God temporarily set aside Israel, and raised up a new apostle, Paul. From heaven, Christ gave Paul a new revelation concerning His heavenly ministry to the Body of Christ, Gal.1:11-12. Paul became the apostle to the Gentiles, Rom.11:13.
Paul's words, as revealed to Him by Christ, are spoken of as "commandments." When God commands something, He expects us to obey it. In past dispensations, commands were given that were valid then, but not for today's obedience. For example, the Bible commands man to eat only fruit and veggies, then allows for meat with fruit and veggies, then certain foods to be eaten, and finally, all food can be eaten.
Thus, it is essential to determine which commands God would have us obey today. Paul's epistles are the commandments of the Lord which are valid for today under grace.
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