If I rightly divide, how do I know what applies to me and what does not?

Israel is under prophecy and law whereas the Body of Christ is under Paul’s mystery doctrine and grace. That is the divide in scripture. But, as grace believers, we do not ignore prophecy just because it is not our doctrine; all scripture is inspired and profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and training in righteousness, 2Ti.3:16. Thus, we can learn of prophecy and gain understanding in it, because it helps us to better understand God’s purpose for mystery. Prophecy provides context to mystery and vice versa. We need knowledge of both to fully understand God's redemption plan. Thus, we STUDY all of scripture, but when it comes to PRACTICE, or APPLICATION of scripture, then we specifically focus on Paul’s mystery doctrine, and any trans-dispensational passages that agree with, or compliment Paul's mystery doctrine. See Rom.16:25-26, (1) "according to the revelation of the mystery", ... (2) "and by the scriptures of the prophets ...".


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