
Seven Basic Bible Facts Every Person Should Know and Believe (Fact #3)

Can practical love alone save a person?

The sad state of biblical ignorance in the world today

Understanding Paul's 'my gospel' and Rightly Dividing the Truth

Paul preached a different gospel to Jesus and the 12

What is the TRUE gospel that saves?

Words of eternal value

Did Paul ever teach the Kingdom Gospel?

Does Act 16:31, represent the Grace Gospel?

The Keys of the Kingdom

Should we reach out to the Jewish community before going to Gentiles?

How would Christianity look like if we based it on the Gospels?

Are you saying that the gospel Jesus presented to the Jews was different from the gospel Paul presented to the Gentiles?

The Source for Spiritual Salvation and Sanity

Our mind, by sins nature, is opposed to what God says

How can Paul identify as a preacher to the Gentiles when he was a former Jew?

Is hearing the Word of God enough?

Paul's Credibility #3

How can I be saved?

Two gospels, two programs