In the Old Testament, God separated Israel from the nations to distinguished them as a great nation through law and ordinances, but all Israel wanted was to be like the Gentiles. Then, in the New Testament, God finally came to us Gentiles with a new grace doctrine and salvation, and all we want is to be like Israel. Isn't that so typical of humans! They always want and do the exact opposite of whatever God says!
Due to sin, our carnal mind, by nature, is at enmity with God, Rom 8:7-8. Enmity with God is not merely passive disagreement; it involves active opposition and a heart set against God's will. We don't try to be like this. We are born like this!
But thankfully, God has made a way.
The gospel invites us to reconcile with God through faith in Jesus Christ, breaking the enmity and completely restoring our relationship with Him. See the image above and be encouraged and edified by this incredible passage from Paul epistle, Rom 5:8-11.
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