Q: Did Paul ever teach the Kingdom Gospel?
Yes! But only for a very short period of time. In Act.9:19 it says that Saul preached that Jesus is the Son of God. This was the key faith condition (and confession) for receiving salvation as per this gospel. A person had to believe that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah and confess Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God.
Q: So you are saying Paul is accursed for teaching another gospel?
No! It is important to get your eschatology correct when assuming statements like this.
At this time in Acts 9 (35AD), only the Kingdom gospel was preached. There was not even a hint of a Grace gospel yet. Nevertheless, what you refer to concerning being accursed for preaching another gospel, Gal.1:6–8, only happens after the Jerusalem council in Acts 15 (48AD). Paul writes Galatians in about 49AD warning believers that the Kingdom gospel is no longer valid when Peter bound up the kingdom in Acts 15:11 during the council meeting.
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