Is hearing the Word of God enough?

Read the Parable of the Sower in Matt 13:3-9, 18-23.

Overall, four classes of people heard the Word of God, but only the last group (1/4) actually received by faith that sound Bible doctrine. The other 3 groups represented lost souls —but who all heard the Word! Furthermore, after concluding the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus cautioned Israel not only to “hear” His words but “do” them, Matt 7:24-26.

Now, also read this remarkable passage is Acts 24:24-27.

Governor Felix heard the Gospel of Grace from Paul —and literally shuddered when he realized he was a lost, Hell-bound sinner! But, Felix procrastinated in receiving the gospel. For 2-years, he had more "Bible discussions" with Paul, but he remained undecided and lost, keeping Paul in chains. 

Like so many people, it was far better had Felix heard nothing, than to have heard so much from God and yet believed none of it! So, to recap thus; hearing the Word of God is insufficient. We must respond to it in faith!


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