Paul's Credibility #2

Paul's Credibility #2

1Co 4:15  For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.

In our first reference on this topic, 1Cor 3:10, Paul mentions that he, as a wise master builder, has laid the foundation. Now, let's continue investigating some more incredible claims Paul made in his writings that proves his validity as the apostle to the Gentiles and the one who received the mystery doctrine for the Body of Christ.

The above verse ties in with our key verse today, 1Cor 4:15, and validates why Paul could say that he had begotten us (or 'fathered' us) as converted grace believers, through the gospel (of grace). As Abraham was the first man to become a Jew, and from him came the Jewish nation in the flesh, so Paul became the first member into the Body of Christ (1Tim 1:16) and from the gospel message given to him by the glorified Lord, he begot, (or fathered, in spirit), all grace believers. What a claim!
