Teach Jesus' word, make disciples, and baptize!


Jesus gave His disciples a commission, Matt 28:19-20. As the church, we are responsible to teach Jesus’ word, make disciples, and baptize. These things are to be done in all nations until the end of the age.


In 2Tim.2:15, Paul instructs us to rightly divide the Word. This instruction tells us to divide Israel's prophetic doctrine from the mystery doctrine for the Body of Christ. These two dispensations cannot be merged together because they are distinct and contradictory. Mixing these doctrines will cause false narratives and skewed doctrine.

The instructions you quote in Matt.28 is the commission for Israel. Our commission today is different. It is to reconcile people to God through Paul's mystery doctrine, 2Co.5:18. Paul tells us that we do NOT know Jesus according to His earthly ministry, 2Cor.5:16, and that we should preach Jesus Christ according to the mysteries, Rom.16:25-26.

We should take care not to mix up the doctrines.
