In Gal 2:11-21, did Paul tell Peter that the Little Flock were now also under grace?

The passage becomes clear, understanding that v11-16 involve Peter and Paul only, while v17-21 are the words of Paul to all the Galatians. Thus, no. The Little Flock were still under the Law. Remember, Jesus taught that if Jews did not follow the Mosaic Law, and teach others to do so, they would be "least in the kingdom of heaven." James instructs Jews to continue Law-keeping, and in Acts 21, years after this incident, the Jews still adhere to the Law and Temple worship. 

Peter's actions contradicted the decisions of the Council meeting in Acts 15 and confused Paul's converts, thus the rebuke of Paul. In day-to-day living, the Little Flock were to follow Moses, as per James' and John's epistles of Law-keeping, Acts 21, and Jesus' commands, but for the sake of the Gentile converts in Paul's ministry, Israel's Little Flock were to act according to Rom 13 and be the stronger in faith, not making their brothers stumble.


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