Concerning the distinction between Jews and Gentiles

Within the Body of Christ (which is NOT spiritual Israel, nor Israel in any way!) and during this mystery program there is no distinction between Jew and Gentile. We are all one in Christ. Jews and saved in the same way as Gentiles, by the grace gospel. Furthermore, Israel is not currently God’s special, called out nation. Israel is as Gentile-a-nation as all other nations on earth. They are Loammi, according to Hosea 1:9.

However, when this mystery program ends at the rapture of the Body of Christ, the suspended prophetic program is reactivated by the Antichrist’s signing of the peace covenant with Israel. They will go into a 7-year period of testing and purging, and a remnant will come out and inhabit the Millennial Kingdom to once again be the special nation of God, the royal priesthood and holy nation, Exodus 19:5-6. Then they are again distinguished highly above the rest of the nations who will flock to Israel for light and salvation.


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