'Faith of Christ' is not His faith, but His faithfulness

In the verses in the image, Paul speaks of the faith of Christ, not merely faith in Christ. This concept refers to Christ's own faithfulness and trustworthiness, not His personal beliefs. Faith has two aspects: the objective, which is trust in another, and the subjective, which is being trustworthy oneself. If I have faith in you, you should keep faith with me; you should be trustworthy.

Paul mentions "the faith of Christ" 7-times in his letters to highlight Christ's worthiness of our trust. For instance, in Gal.3:22 and Phil.3:9, the emphasis is on believing because Christ is worthy of trust. Christ's faithfulness, proven by His death and resurrection, precedes and underpins our faith in Him. It's this trustworthiness that assures us He can "save to the uttermost those who come unto God by Him" (Heb.7:25), just as Paul reassured the jailor in Philippi, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved" (Act.16:31).


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