If God has forgiven sins, why are we suffering under its curse?

If you have heard and responded in faith to the grace gospel, the penalty of your "sin" (not "sins") has been completely removed. By believing in the grace gospel, you are saved for eternity and your sin have been nailed to the cross of Christ. The Bible states that the penalty of sin is death, but because you have placed your faith in Christ, you are forgiven, the penalty is removed, and you are acquitted spiritually unto eternal life.

While God's salvation has resolved the issue of "sin" that separates people from God, the "sins" of individuals still exist, still have consequences, and must still be dealt with. These consequences are not God's punishment or judgment, as those were emptied out upon Christ, but are the natural sowing and reaping results of past actions and abuse. These consequences affect one's circumstances and people around them, and it's these that individuals feel they are paying the price for currently.


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