Two aspects of a Christian’s perfection


In 1Cor.1, Paul reminds believers they will be “blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1:8). It is important for us to realize there are two aspects of a Christian’s perfection. The first is our POSITION before God. Through faith, we have been “made the righteousness of God in Him [Jesus Christ]” (2Cor.5:21). Our position before the Father is now one of perfection in the identity of the Savior. The Father now sees us as holy and perfect. This position will never change.

Our daily PRACTICE after salvation is also to be “perfect.” We have been “called to be saints” (1Cor.1:2), and the Lord expects us to seek to live up to a standard of holiness. What does that mean? Paul writes “…I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1Thess.5:23). This process involves getting the written Word of God into you. It is the only thing that will wash you (spirit), renew your mind (soul), and influence your actions (body).


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