What is a church?

Contrary to popular belief, a church is not just a building for worship. Biblically, 'church' denotes a congregation of people. For instance, Act.19:32 uses it to describe a confused mob, unaware of their purpose for gathering. Sadly, this could reflect the state of many churches today, but the point is that a church represents the people, not the building.

"The Church of God," as mentioned in the Bible, was purchased by the blood of Christ (Act.20:28). Paul refers to the current church as "the Body of Christ" (1Cor.12:27; Eph.1:22-23), entry to which is through faith in Jesus, not baptisms and other rites. Paul writes, "By one Spirit, we are all baptized into one body" (1Cor.12:13), and in Rom.12:5, "we, being many, are one body in Christ."

Many have been on church rosters for years without grasping this truth. They have trusted their Church membership and traditions for salvation. Crucially, it's as simple as whether we have truly trusted in the cross of Christ; His death and resurrection.


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