Christ - The cornerstone and the stumbling stone

1900 years ago, most of Israel “disallowed” Christ as the cornerstone for their building, and that when He became the “Head of the corner,” according to Psa.118:22, it was for them an occasion for stumbling and embarrassment.

But Christ is a “stone of stumbling” to all who reject Him. In Rom.9:33 Paul quotes from several Old Testament passages:

“As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence; and whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.”

In Peter’s day and in Paul’s, those who looked upon Christ as their cornerstone were never given cause to be ashamed. It was those who disallowed and refused Him who kept stumbling over Him and were constantly embarrassed by Him. So today, those who put their trust in the crucified, risen Christ are eternally secure and will never be put to shame for having done so. But those who reject Christ keep forever stumbling over Him. 

Moral: Trust Him now as your personal Savior, for “whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.”


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