Grace and Peace

Every Pauline epistle opens with “grace and peace” (Rom.1:7; 1Cor.1:3; 2Cor.1:2; Gal.1:3; Eph.1:2; Phil.1:2; Col.1:2; 1Thess.1:1; 2Thess.1:2; 1Tim.1:2; 2Tim.1:2; Tit.1:4; Phm.3). Rather than wrath and judgment, God's attitude towards the whole world—all nations—in the Dispensation of Grace is characterized by grace and peace. This message is unique to Paul's apostleship, as searching through the Scriptures will reveal no similar proclamation before it. The question then arises: how did such a dramatic shift in God's attitude towards the Gentiles occur? The key is the cross of Jesus Christ!

In 2Cor.5:19, it states that God does not count the world's trespasses against it. The cross work of Jesus Christ serves as the means for God to extend grace and peace towards this present evil world. Such doctrine was completely unknown in the Bible before the ministry of Paul. It was a unique revelation given directly to Paul by the Lord Jesus Christ, Gal.1:1-4.


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