The four classes of people according to Paul

Paul divides people, by the Spirit, into four classes: the natural man, the babe in Christ, the carnal believer, and the spiritual believer. All four of these are referred to in 1Cor.2:14-3:4 and they are classified by their ability to appreciate and assimilate “the things of God” as revealed in His Word.

THE NATURAL MAN is unsaved and spiritual things are foolishness to him. THE SPIRITUAL MAN through diligent study of the Word, and with a sincere desire to obey it, has come to know God and Jesus Christ more and more intimately. BABES IN CHRIST and CARNAL BELIEVERS are saved, but cannot “discern” him, not being able to bear the milk, thus, they seek to know him through temporal things; through works, emotions, traditions, and ordinances.

But he, having grown to spiritual maturity, is among those of whom it is written: 

Heb. 5:14 “But strong meat [deeper doctrine] belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

To grow up towards sonship, we need to grow in our knowledge of God through studying His written Word.


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