The love of God, which is in Christ Jesus

It is interesting to note that the Apostle Paul rarely talks about his own love for Christ. Instead, he often talks about Christ's deep love for him. He doesn't tell us to love Christ, but he highlights how much Christ loves us. This is in line with the special message committed to him: "The Gospel of the Grace of God" (Act.20:24). The Law commands, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God" (Matt.22:37), which is its core principle. Indeed, we should love God, but the law cannot make us love Him. Therefore, in grace, God tells us, "I love you." It is for this reason that Paul's letters are full of mentions of "the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus" (Rom.8:39). Just because God interacts with us through grace doesn't mean that believers shouldn't or don't love Him. In fact, love begets, or leads to more love. It is through learning and growing in understanding of Christ's love (through the written Word) that people's hearts are moved to love Him in return.


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