Raised for our justification

V.25 highlights 2-crucial factors for our salvation:

  1. The death of Christ, which atones for our sins.
  2. The resurrection of Christ, guaranteeing our own resurrection and eternal life with God.

Christ's resurrection was the vindication of God’s acceptance of the sacrifice for our sins. His resurrection brought about the reality of our justification before God. God raised Jesus as a preview of all those who follow Him. When we are raised from the dead, we will appear before God, wholly accepted in His sight.

The resurrection is the assurance that Jesus has fully settled our debt with God. Without his resurrection, we would not know whether our account was paid in full. However, because Jesus lives, it will be fully evident, upon meeting God, that we have been justified. The sure proof of our salvation lies in our complete acceptance by God. He accepted the resurrection of Jesus and He accepts our resurrection. Jesus represents us in every respect, and God is satisfied with Him and us fully. Hallelujah!


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