Are we involved in the Sheep and Goats Judgement?

COMMENT: Matt 25:41-61 clearly says that if we don’t do any good works, God will send us to hell.

REPLY: The verse mentioned is referring to the ‘Sheep and Goats’ judgement at the end of a 7-year tribulation period. During this horrendous time, believers are required to support Israel in order to gain salvation. However, this passage, and its resulting judgment, is not applicable to the current dispensation of grace, where salvation is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ alone, without the need for good works.

It is important to interpret scripture according to the correct times. One cannot take scripture from one dispensation and apply it to another; else you create confusion and false doctrine. Our ‘Mystery’ dispensation ends at the catching up of the Body of Christ to heaven. The scripture you quote is about 7-years later and is part of the ‘Prophecy’ dispensation which does not apply today.
