The Beatitudes, the Constitution of the Millennial Kingdom

Did you know that Matt.5-7 is the inside scoop on how the Millennial Kingdom will be governed. Read it with this context and note its uncompromising laws. It is clear that righteousness is on a WHOLE new level. 

Now, if you wonder how in the world one can abide by those laws; know that the Jews will be perfect examples of this righteousness, having the laws written on their hearts and empowered by the Spirit to walk in these ways, Jer 31:31-34. Second, Satan is imprisoned in the bottomless pit, Rev 20:3, thus temptation and deceit in the Gentile nations will not be prevalent and education in the law will keep them in the ways of righteousness, truth, and peace.

We are not in this Kingdom today and we are still subject to temptation and deceit, but we have the Grace doctrine. As we grow in knowledge of God's Word and submit to obedience to it, 2Co 10:5, we can mortify the deeds of the body, walk in the spirit, and learn to please God, Rom 8:1-17.
