Read Joshua 1:7 and 2Pet 2:1-3
To have spiritual prosperity, it is important for us to follow the doctrine that God intended for us. After Joshua died, the Jews became worse and worse and suffered greatly when they strayed from the Law of Moses. The Old Testament is filled with tragedies that occurred when Israel failed to uphold their doctrine, such as civil wars, family breakdowns, famines, Gentile oppression, plagues, diseases, poverty, and death.
As believers today, we must heed this warning. There are people who will use false teachings to divide local churches and cause believers to stumble. Their main perversion is stressing Law and ignoring Grace, Rom 6:14,15. It is crucial that we do not mix God's instructions for us with His instructions for Israel, as this will lead to spiritual ruin. Instead, we should focus on studying Paul's epistles, from Romans to Philemon. Let us remain steadfast in rightly dividing and applying the Word of Truth, 2Tim 2:15.
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