The Bible should be understood, not used as a 'pick your favourite verse collection'

Among Christians, there are those who aren't too concerned with what they read in the Bible, as long as it touches their hearts. For them, the Bible is like a 'pick your favourite verse collection', choosing only parts that appeal to them and ignoring the rest. This is not how the Bible should be read or treated. Although the Bible teaches many truths that we can readily accept, we cannot truly comprehend its message unless we study it as a whole.

True faith seeks to continually deepen its understanding of God's Word. A person who isn't seeking to understand God's Word isn't truly interested in what God has to say. Such a person's faith is founded on personal preference rather than on truth, choosing any scripture that appeals to them and interpreting it as they please. Such "spirituality" is not authentic, and such "faith" can be considered blind, superstitious, and even dangerous.

God desires that we intelligently believe what we read, and He places significant importance on understanding His Word.


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