Seven Basic Bible Facts Every Person Should Know and Believe (Fact #1)

FACT NO. 1—That the Bible MUST be rightly divided in order for it to make sense. Notice what it says: “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the Word of truth” (II Tim. 2:15). This is one of the cardinal rules for interpreting the whole Bible. Neglect of this rule or a faulty use of it will lead to only one result, CONFUSION, since our God is not the author of confusion.

The reason for a right division of the Bible is because of God’s two distinct purposes: (1) His purpose concerning Israel and the world according to PROPHECY, and (2) His purpose concerning the Gentiles in this present age according to the MYSTERY revealed to Paul. God doesn’t want us to confuse the teaching of these two purposes. He has very graciously given us the key for a proper understanding of this.

More FACTS to follow...

See this article for even more rightly dividing differences

By Robert C. Brock


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