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No. God will NOT enjoy it! It is not His will that any perish, 2Pet 3:9. He did EVERYTHING He could to prevent their destruction. But God’s wrath is righteous and perfectly just, and, at the appointed time, He will NOT hesitate in judgement to send the Christ rejecting people to the eternal flames.

Why would God resurrect people just to put them to death again? Here's 3 points that the Bible makes perfectly clear:

  1. Human death is not the eternal death. These two are very different types of death. 
  2. The guilty must face judgement for their sins, their guilt and ungodliness.
  3. ALL must bow the knee to Christ, confessing His Lordship. Isa.45:23; Rom.14:1; Phil.2:10-11

The guilty will be cast into the eternal flames, because of their own choice, rejecting what God had made known to them all through their life. Though it might shock some, there is no injustice here. God's actions are perfectly just, righteous, and honourable according to His Word.


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