Contrasting Administrations

The two administrations are vastly different. In Adam's, sin, condemnation, and death reigns. In Christ's, justification, grace, and life reigns. When we are transferred into Christ’s administration, our spiritual position with God is utterly changed. We might still be in the flesh, but our spiritual standing with God is one of grace, peace, and atonement, because of Christ’s cross work, and His righteousness imputed to us.

This new standing with God is grounded upon our spiritual identity in Christ and is not dependent on our current state in the flesh. Consequently, even though we still live in the flesh, it explains why Paul can confidently write that we are declared to be dead to sin, meaning that the effects and penalty of sin, is not sentenced to us. In addition, Paul can declare that we are dead to the law because of the death of Christ, allowing us to be joined, by His resurrection, to a new ‘contract’ of justification, grace, and life, Rom 7:4-6.



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