How come God no longer speaks to man and no longer manifests Himself?

In the dispensation of prophecy, God showed Himself to Israel by mighty miracles. This dispensation is earthly as its end is to redeem an earthly people to restore the earth, thus God showed Himself by mighty physical works. Up until Paul, God did signs and wonders by His prophets and apostles so that Israel could see the hand of God and get saved. But Israel did not believe in their Messiah, so God put them aside, and through Paul, He turned to the Gentiles under a completely new dispensation, the dispensation of mystery.

In this dispensation of mystery, Rom.16:25-26, God operates under different stipulations; not by mighty works, but by faith through His written Word and in the heart of man, 2Cor.5:7. God has provided us His written Word and we need to believe God’s message given through Paul, 1Cor.14:37, the words of God for us, and trust that God is saving us and readying us for the purpose of restoring the heavens.


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