
Seven Basic Bible Facts Every Person Should Know and Believe (Fact #3)

Seven Basic Bible Facts Every Person Should Know and Believe (Fact #2)

Seven Basic Bible Facts Every Person Should Know and Believe (Fact #1)

Yield (Newness of life and spirit)

Chosen before the foundation of the world

Learn the distinct differences between THEREFORE and WHEREFORE in the KJV

Justification word stats prove a point in Paul's epistles

Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles

That in me FIRST

Can practical love alone save a person?

His cross marks the start of your salvation, His resurrection is God's power to run the race and win the prize of the high calling of God

God's grace is in His Word

The sad state of biblical ignorance in the world today

Being led by the Spirit comes from your knowledge of the Word of God

Two kinds of ignorance

What does that mean to walk after the Spirit?

Understanding Paul's 'my gospel' and Rightly Dividing the Truth

Prayer and Provision compared between the Kingdom and Gace Dispensations

God saves people because they believe in His Son, not because they are ‘led by the Spirit’

Paul preached a different gospel to Jesus and the 12

The power of the Roman pillars

Justification has absolutely nothing to do with us

Repenting from sin is not what saves us

What is the TRUE gospel that saves?

Let scripture interpret its own vocabulary

The Bible as a Source of Wisdom and Learning, Not Doctrinal Support

The bible is the ONLY source of truth

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We are part of the inheritance of Christ

Abraham staggered not

We have not so learned Christ

The Christian journey should be one of continual growth

Raised for our justification

Delivered for our offences

4-Aspects of Christ's death at Calvary

What does it really mean to 'Look to Jesus'?

How do we live in the spirit if we are in the flesh?

Grace is not license

Wholesome words and sound doctrine

Our presentation before the Father after our fiery judgement